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Menopause and Snoring
Good sleep is vital for our wellbeing and health. The feeling of naturally waking, after a wonderful, refreshing sleep is incredible. Sleeping can become more difficult when hormones change during perimenopause...
Metabolic Syndrome and Menopause
Menopause is associated with metabolic changes in our bodies. How does this affect your future health as a woman, and what can you do to about it? It is helpful to explore a time beyond symptoms of menopause...
Hormone replacement therapy
What is HRT? Hormone Replacement Therapy, refers to taking of one or more of the hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. These are hormones already made by your body. NICE guidelines from...
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Acupuncture and menopause
There is evidence to support the use of acupuncture to ease a wide range of symptoms found in perimenopause and menopause. I was delighted to meet Melanie Cullis, the Founder of The Acupuncture Practice,...
Sleep and menopause
40-60% of women experience sleep problems in menopause. Whether it be difficulty getting to sleep, waking multiple times, starting snoring, developing restless legs or lying listening to our partners snoring,...
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Palpitations and menopause
Are palpitations and menopause linked? What are heart palpitations? What causes them? How can your lifestyle choices affect them? When should you get medical help? How are palpitations diagnosed? How are...
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Tinnitus and menopause
Are tinnitus and menopause linked? It is actually one of the more unusual symptoms of perimenopause and menopause and it can be such a frustrating symptom. At Rowena Health Menopause Specialist Clinic...
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Reflexology for menopause
What complementary health therapy can be effective in promoting deep relaxation and wellbeing; by reducing stress and by optimising good health and building resilience? With our ever increasing levels...
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Burning mouth in menopause
Burning mouth occurs more frequently in women than men, especially women who are going through the menopause and in people over 50. Burning mouth in menopause is one of the unusual symptoms. A burning...
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joint pain and menopause
Difficulty getting up from the sofa or getting out of bed? Aches and pains in your joints? Taking longer to recover from injuries? Menopause may be a natural part of the female ageing process, but it can...

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