These are some recommended articles for you, they discuss the benefits and risks of taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which is given to help relieve the symptoms of perimenopause or menopause.
The risks and benefits of taking HRT vary need to be discussed in an individual basis. For example, advice is different when we consider someone who has gone through menopause under the age of 40, premature ovarian insufficiency (POI); or for someone who has experienced menopause and is still within 10 years of their last natural menstrual period, or under the age of 60; or for someone who wishes to start taking HRT over the age of 60, more than 10 years after the last natural menstrual period.
There are some contraindications to taking HRT, but it is important to consider these on an individual basis, taking into account quality of life and shared decision making discussing the evidence we currently have and do not have about HRT.
These links should be used to support a conversation about benefit and risk to you as an individual, which may change as you age, you develop other medical conditions or your family history changes, for example.
The safety of HRT largely depends on age. Healthy women younger than 60 years should not be concerned about the safety profile of HRT. For most women, the potential benefits of HRT given for a clear indication are many, and the risks are few when initiated within a few years of menopause. HRT is very effective in helping to control of menopausal symptoms and for maintenance of BMD (bone mineral density) and to reduce risk of osteoporotic fractures.
NICE guidance infographic
Link to graphs to help with visualisation of risk and benefit of taking HRT
Risk of breast cancer taking HRT in comparison to lifestyle risk factors
British Menopause Society infographic
Menopause Matters
Menopause Research and Education fund the risks and benefits
Bleeding on HRT
Womens health concern fact sheet – Unscheduled bleeding on HRT
We will discuss with you at your appointment any questions you have about individual risk and benefit to taking HRT.
Breast cancer risk factors
Womens Health concern fact sheets about risks of breast cancer
Taking HRT if you have a family history of breast cancer
Taking HRT after a diagnosis of breast cancer
This is an individual discussion for each person.
Localised vaginal oestrogen can be taken after a diagnosis of breast cancer alongside non hormonal moisturisers and lubricants, to help with the vulval, vaginal and bladder symptoms (Genitourinary syndrome of the menopause), please can an appointment with us so we can discuss this with you.
NICE guidance about Genitourinary syndrome of the menopause GSM and it’s management
- Please listen to the Menopause and cancer podcasts
- Taking HRT after breast cancer podcast
- British Menopause Society consensus statement about HRT after breast cancer
Dr Carys Sonnenberg Rowena Health December 2024