How long do consultations normally last?

When you book a private appointment we understand how important the time is to you. We take huge pride in providing holistic, care and to listen to you so that we can give you as much support as you need.

When we see you we will have reviewed your notes and booking questionnaire. We will introduce ourselves and confirm your ID. Do bring a list to your appointment if you would like to, as there is a lot to discuss and remember. You are welcome to bring someone to your appointment. You can show us details of investigations done, or you can email this information in advance, to [email protected]. We will upload everything to your secure patient records. It is helpful for us to have as much information as we can prior to your appointment.

We will send a detailed letter to you and your GP, with consent, after your appointment so you do not need to make notes during our time together, but you can if you wish.

At the end of the appointment we will have a plan for you, and will discuss medication advice and timing of any recommended follow-up appointments.

We will email you once, to remind you of any ongoing follow-up appointments. We do not email again as some people are very happy to have their follow-up care with their GP.

Please allow up to 45 minutes for a new patient consultation

Please allow up to 30 minutes for a follow-up consultation

We offer short consultations of up to 15 minutes which are suitable to discuss a simple question or to review of a blood test

We really look forward to meeting you. Dr Carys Sonnenberg Rowena Health

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