Lenzetto is a HRT treatment that replaces the hormone oestrogen in women who are experiencing symptoms associated with oestrogen deficiency after the menopause. Lenzetto is a spray solution which contains a hormone called 17 B estradiol, which is a body identical oestrogen. When sprayed onto the skin , it passes through the skin into your bloodstream where it travels throughout the body. This is a transdermal way of absorbing oestrogen. At Rowena Health we will guide you with the correct dose for you, usually that would be between one and three pumps each day.
How do you Prepare the applicator?
Before spraying the first dose from a new device, it should be prepared for use by spraying three times with the cover on. The device should be held upright, and with the cover on, you press the button right down three times. It is now ready to use. Each device only needs to be prepared the first time you use it, you don’t repeat this process for each dose.
Applying Lenzetto
Do not apply Lenzetto to broken or damaged skin. Do not apply it to the breasts or any area near to the breasts. The spray should be applied to the inner forearm. If you have difficulty applying to your forearm, you can also apply to your inner thigh. Make sure that the skin where you want to spray the medicine is clean and dry. Take off the plastic cover, hold the container upright and rest the plastic cone flat against the skin so that there are no gaps between the cone and your skin. Press the button right down one time. If you have been prescribed two sprays, move the cone along your arm so that it is beside the area you have already sprayed. Make sure that the second spray does not overlap the area of the first spray. If three sprays have been prescribed, move the cone along your arm again ensuring that it does not overlap the sprayed areas. If your second or third spray will not fit the same inner forearm, you can also spray onto your other inner forearm.
When you have finished using Lenzetto
When you have finished using Lenzetto, always put the cover back on the container. Let the spray dry for at least two minutes before getting dressed and at least 60 minutes before bathing or washing. If you get the spray on another area of your skin like your hands, wash that area of your skin with soap and water right away. You do not need to massage or rub Lenzetto into the skin. Do not allow other people to touch the area of skin you have sprayed. Cover the area with clothing once the spray has dried (2 minutes after application), if required.
How long does one spray carton last?
Lenzetto delivers 56 sprays after preparation. Mark the dose table on the carton to keep track of the number of sprays you have used. Remember to get your next device just before or as soon as you have used the last dose of your current one, so there is no gap in your treatment.
Importantly please do not use the Lenzetto device for more than the 56 sprays, even if it is not completely empty. Do not use it after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and the label of the device.
Dr Carys Sonnenberg Rowena Health November 2023
I have only been given the choice of Oestrogel or patches by my GP, opting for the gel. Is Lenzetto preferable. Thank you!
Hi Bettina,
Some women like Lenzetto, it is personal preference and whatever works best for you.
Best wishes
Just been given lenzetto after being on femoston..should I take lenzetto now or wait for a period..do I take a dose every day? Then add progesterone on day 15?
I’m sorry we are unable to give personal advice like this about medication dosing as we do not have your medical records.
my spray doesn’t seem to help anymore I’m getting night sweats twice a night now where I used to only get one episode. I was prescribed two sprays. I have been discharged from clinic as I didn’t hear the phone ring on my last review and I feel very low in mood right now. I really need advice as I’m getting very little sleep. Should I use more spray? will my GP understand how Lenzetto works?
I’m so sorry to hear things are difficult. Please can you chat with your GP, and ask them about their experience with Lenzetto, and to review your HRT to adjust it if necessary.
Best wishes
Why can’t I use after 56 sprays if there’s still some left?
This is the drug company recommendation as the dose left may not be sufficient to be a full dose.
Best wishes